
Selected Conference Presentations

Kumar, S. & Ritzhaupt, A. (November 2021). The Online Instructor Support Survey (OISS): Creation, Validation, and Results. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2021, USA.

Zhu, J. & Kumar, S. (November 2021). An analysis of online and hybrid EdD programs in Educational Technology. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2021, USA.

Kumar, S. (November 2021). Quality in Online Programs: Approaches and Practices. Book share presentation at Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2021, USA.

Kumar, S., Miller, T., & Pedro, N. S. (November 2020). Ensuring Quality: The Roles of Online Program Leaders. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2020, USA.

Kumar, S., Kellen, K. & Pedro, N. S. (November 2020). Support Services and Processes for ensuring quality in Online Education. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2020, USA.

Martin, F., Kumar, S. & Honeycutt, L. (November 2019). Identifying Roles and Tasks for Online Instructors. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2020, USA.

Kumar, S. & Pedro, N. S. (November 2019). Quality Guidelines for Faculty Support of Online Teaching. Presentation at OLC Accelerate, Orlando, USA.

Pollard, R. & Kumar, S. (October 2019). Strategies and factors in Online Mentoring in Higher Education. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2019, Las Vegas, USA.

Kumar, S., Martin, F., Ritzhaupt, A. D., & Budhrani, K. (October 2019). Award-Winning Online Courses: Instructor Perspectives. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting, 2019, Las Vegas, USA

Ritzhaupt, A. D., Martin, F., Kumar, S., & Budhrani, K. (April 2019). Award-Winning Faculty Online Teaching Practices: Course Design, Assessment and Facilitation. American Educational Research Association conference (AERA), Toronto, Canada.

Pollard, R. & Kumar, S. (March 2019). Strategies for online graduate mentoring. International Mentoring Association (IMA) Annual Conference, Gainesville, USA

Martin, F., Kumar, S., Budhrani, K. & Ritzhaupt, A. D. (November 2018). Award-winning faculty online teaching: Defining the Competencies. . Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2018, Kansas City, USA.

Kumar, S., Johnson, M., Coe, C., & Dogan, N. (November 2017). Mentoring and support for online doctoral students during the dissertation process. . Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2017, Jacksonville, USA.

Jahnke, I. & Kumar, S. (November 2017). Digital Didactical Designs as a Framework for iPad/Tablet classrooms. . Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2017, Jacksonville, USA.

Kline, J., Ritzhaupt, A. D., & Kumar, S. (November 2017). What Project Management Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities do Instructional Designers Really Need for Professional Success? . Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2017, Jacksonville, USA.

Martin, F. & Kumar, S. (November 2016). Frameworks and Quality Indicators for Assessing and Implementing Online Programs. OLC Accelerate 2016, Orlando, USA.

Kumar, S., Coe, C. & Johnson, M. (November 2016). Online Mentoring in Doctoral Programs: Strategies and Challenges. OLC Accelerate 2016, Orlando, USA.

Kumar, S. & Risner, M. (November 2016). Global Classroom Initiative. Blended Learning for Global Teacher Education. OLC Accelerate 2016, Orlando, USA.

Kumar, S. & Mayrberger, K. (October 2016). Educational Technology and Mediendidaktik: A comparative study of the two fields. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2016, Las Vegas, USA.

Kumar, S. & Ritzhaupt, A. D. (October 2016). Knowledge and skills needed by instructional designers in higher education. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2016, Las Vegas, USA.

Martin, F., Ritzhaupt, A., Budhrani, K. & Kumar, S. (October 2016). Competencies for effective online instructors: A mixed methods approach. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2016, Las Vegas, USA.

Bolliger, D., Kumar, S., Martin, F. & Sadaf, A. (October 2016). Engagement matters: Ways to enhance interaction and engagement in online learning. Panel presentation at Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2016, Las Vegas, USA.

Kumar, S. & Dorner, H. (June 2016). Evaluating Online Programs: Evaluating the community of inquiry survey. European Distance Education Network (EDEN) Annual Conference 2016, Budapest, Hungary.

Kumar, S., Johnson, M. & Coe, C. (June 2016). Online Mentoring: Strategies and Challenges. European Distance Education Network (EDEN) Annual Conference 2016, Budapest, Hungary.

Risner, M. & Kumar, S. (April 2016). Global Education and Telecollaboration in the Pre-service teacher classroom. Telecollaboration 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

Kumar, S. & Coe, C. F. (November 2015). Online doctoral cohorts: Strategies for dissertation mentoring in groups. Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2015, Indianapolis, USA.

Kumar, S. (June 2015). Designing Doctoral Learning Expeditions in Virtual Environments. Digital Didactical Designs 2015. Interactive Media and Learning, Umea University, Sweden.

Kumar, S. & Coe, C. (April 2015). Faculty and Student Experiences with Online Mentoring in an Educational Technology Doctoral Program. American Educational Research Association annual meeting (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Dawson, K. & Kumar, S. (April 2015). Analysis of dissertations in a professional practice Doctoral Program. American Educational Research Association annual meeting (AERA), Chicago, IL.

Kumar, S., Dawson, K., Boling, E., Jones, G., Perkins, R., Weaver, C., & Mims, C. (November 2014). Designing, implementing, and evaluating online doctoral programs in Educational Technology and related fields. Presidential panel at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2014, Jacksonville, FL.

Dawson, K. & Kumar, S. (November 2014). An Analysis of Professional Practice Dissertations in an Online Educational Technology Program. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2014, Jacksonville, FL.

Kumar, S. & Coe, C. F. (November 2014). Dissertations in an Online Doctoral Program: Mentoring, Challenges, and Strategies. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Annual Meeting 2014, Jacksonville, FL.

Kumar, S. & Arnold, P. (October 2014). Assessing Transformational Learning in Online Professional Programs: Methodological Approaches and Challenges. European Distance and E-Learning Network 2014 Research Workshop, Oxford, UK.

Kumar, S. (September 2014). Individualizing Learning with OER: Online Course Design in Higher Education. #OERde14 Die Zukunft freier Bildungsmaterialien. Open Educational Resources conference, Berlin, Germany.

Arnold, P. & Kumar, S. (September 2014). Räumchen wechsle dich” – Eigenräume und Raumwechsel beim Aufbau einer Online Community of Practice. Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW) 2014, Zurich, Switzerland.

Mayrberger, K. & Kumar, S. (September 2014). Mediendidaktik und Educational Technology: Zwei Perspektiven auf die Gestaltung von Lernumgebungen mit digitalen Medien. Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW) 2014, Zurich, Switzerland.

Arnold, P., Kumar, S., Thillosen, A. & Ebner, M. (February 2014). Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective. European Stakeholders MOOC Summit 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Kumar, S., Hart, M. & Kenney, J. (November 2013). A student-driven online community of practice: Facebook Friends. Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, FL.

Kumar, S. & Johnson, M. L. (November 2013). Online Mentoring: Strategies for Mentoring Dissertations at a Distance. Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, FL.

Kumar, S. (August 2013). Social Media in Teacher Education: Preservice teachers learn from inservice teacher experience. European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, Munich, Germany.

Kumar, S. & Hart, M. (August 2013). Social Presence: Informal On-task Interactions in learner-driven online environments. Symposium ‘Social presence revisited: fostering sustainable online learning’ at European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, Munich, Germany.

Kumar, S. & Dawson, K. (April 2013). Best practice and program-based research in an online professional practice doctorate for educational technologists. International Conference for Doctoral Education 2013, Orlando, FL.

Kumar, S. (October 2012). Adapting the Community of Inquiry Survey for Online Programs. Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando.

Kumar, S. (October 2012). Quality Online Doctoral Programs: An Oxymoron? Presidential Panel. Association of Educational and Communication Technologies, AECT, Louisville, KY.

Kumar, S. & Kenney, J. (September 2012). Assessing Student Learning using Social Media in Higher Education: Strategies and Challenges. Paper at symposium E-Learning 2.0: Online Participation in Higher Education. European Educational Research Association, ECER, Cadiz, Spain.

Kumar, S. ( April 2012). Examining Multiple Approaches to Blended Learning in a Graduate Educational Technology Course. Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference, Milwaukee.

Kumar, S. (November 2011). Building a Community of Educational Practitioners in a Blended Doctoral Program: Lessons Learned. Sloan-C International Online Learning Conference, Orlando.

Ochoa, M. N. & Kumar, S. (November 2011). A Program Integrated Approach to Online Information Literacy Instruction. Sloan-C International Online Learning Conference, Orlando.

Kumar, S. & Buraphadeja, V. (April 2011). Graduate Student Perceptions of Giving and Receiving Peer Feedback in an Online Teacher Inquiry Course. American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans.

Kumar, S., Cavanaugh, C., Black, E. W., Dawson, K., Sessums, C. D. (April, 2011). Preliminary Impact of a Professional Practice Doctorate on Students’ Professional Growth. American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans.

Drexler, W., Kumar, S. & Sessums, C. D (February, 2011). Kicking it up a Notch: Facilitation as a Value Proposition in Open Learning. Educause Learning Initiative conference (ELI), Washington D.C.

Kumar, S. & Vigil, K. (October, 2010). Pre-service Teachers’ Perspectives on Web 2.0 Integration in Teacher Education Courses. E-learn. Orlando.

Kumar, S., Edwards, M. E. & Ochoa, M. N. (October, 2010). Analysis of Online Students’ Use of Embedded Library Instruction in a Graduate Educational Technology Course. E-learn. Orlando.

Risner, M. & Kumar, S. (September, 2010). A Blended Professional Development Community – Modeling new technologies for the 5C’s in foreign language education. European Conference for Computer-Assisted Language Learning, France.

Kumar, S. & Schumann, J. (September, 2010). Informal language learning online – exploring learner behaviors and preferences using book2 in 50 languages. European Conference for Computer-Assisted Language Learning, France.

Kumar, S. & Sessums, C. D. (June, 2010). PowerPoints to Podcasts: Digital Natives’ Use of Web 2.0 in Course Assessments. Virtual Presentation at World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Toronto, Canada.

Kumar, S. & Deese, R. S. (June, 2010). Teaching History with Blogs: A case study of student engagement. Virtual Presentation at World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Toronto, Canada.

Kumar, S. & Buraphadeja, V. (April, 2010) Student Knowledge Construction in Educational Wikis: Challenges for Interaction Analysis. Symposium: Comparing Approaches to Content Analysis in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver.

Kumar, S. (March, 2010). Helping instructors make the initial transition to online teaching. Panel presentation at the Dortmund Spring School for Academic Staff Developers, Technische Universitaet, Dortmund, Germany.