Book Chapters


Martin, F., Kumar, S., & Ritzhaupt, A. D. (2022). An Overview of the Competencies and Career Outcomes in Educational Technology. In J. Stefaniak & R. Reese (Eds.) The Instructional Design Trainer’s Guide: Authentic Practices and Considerations for Mentoring ID and Ed Tech Professionals. Routledge.

Kumar, S., Johnson, M. L., Dogan, N., & Coe, C. (2022). A Framework for E-mentoring in Doctoral Education. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.) Research Anthology on Doctoral Student Professional Development (pp. 232-251). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Martin, F., & Kumar, S. (2021). A Synthesis of Current Research on Graduate Online Education. In K. E. Rudestam, J. Schoenholtz-Read, & M. L. Snowden (Eds). The Handbook of Online Learning in Higher Education. (pp. 105-133). Santa Barbara, CA: Fielding University Press.

Martin, F. & Kumar, S. (2021). Barriers to online education and strategies for overcoming them. In L. A. Cifuentes (Ed.) Guide to Administering Distance Learning, pp. 43-60. Brill/Sense Publishers and AECT.

Miller, T. & Kumar, S. (2021). Student Experiences Learning Psychomotor Skills in a Blended Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. In A. Picciano, C. Dziuban,  C. Graham, & P. Moskal (Eds.) Blended Learning Research Perspectives Volume III. (pp. 333- ). New York: Routledge.

Ritzhaupt, A. D., Kumar, S., & Martin, F. (2021). The Competencies for Instructional Designers in Higher Education. In J. E. Stefaniak, S. Conklin, B. Oyarzun, & R. Reese (Eds.), A Practitioners Guide to Instructional Design in Higher Education. EdTech Books.

Kumar, S., Johnson, M. L., Dogan, N., & Coe, C. (2018). A Framework for E-mentoring in Doctoral Education. In Sim, K. (Ed.) Enhancing the Role of ICT in Doctoral Research Processes (pp. 183-208). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Arnold, P. & Kumar, S. (2018). Qualitätsentwicklung in online-gestützten berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen der Sozialen Arbeit: Anregungen aus internationaler Perspektive. In Arnold, P., Griesehop, H. R., Füssenhäuser, C. (Eds.) Profilierung Sozialer Arbeit online (pp. 323-349). Wiesbaden, DE: Springer Verlag.

Martin, F. & Kumar, S. (2017). Frameworks for assessing and evaluating e-learning courses and programs. In A. Pina, V. Walker & B. R. Harris (Eds.) Leading and Managing e-Learning. What the e-Learning Leader Needs to Know (pp. 271-280). AECT/Springer Series on Educational Communications and Technology: Issues & Innovations.

Magruder, O. & Kumar, S. (2017). e-learning instruction: Identifying and Developing the Competencies of Online Instructors. In A. Pina, V. Walker & B. R. Harris (Eds.) Leading and Managing e-Learning. What the e-Learning Leader Needs to Know (pp. 221-234). AECT/ Springer Series on Educational Communications and Technology: Issues & Innovations.

Dawson, K. & Kumar, S. (2016). Guiding principles for quality professional practice dissertations. Storey, V. A. & Hesbol, K. A. (Eds.) Contemporary Approaches to Dissertation Development and Research Methods (pp. 134-146) Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Ebner, M., Lorenz, A., Lackner, E., Kopp, E., Kumar, S., Schön, S., & Wittke, A. (2016). How OER enhance MOOCs – A Perspective from German-Speaking Europe. In M. Jemni, Kinshuk & K. Khribi (Eds.) Open Education: from OERs to MOOCs (pp. 205-220). Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer.

Arnold, P., Kumar, S., Schön, S. Ebner, M., & Thillosen, A. (2015). A MOOC on Open Educational Resources as an Open Educational Resource: COER13. In Corbeil, J. R., Corbeil, M. E., Khan, B. H. (Eds.) The MOOC Case Book: Case Studies in MOOC Design, Development and Implementation (pp. 247-258). NY: Linus Learning.

Jahnke, I. & Kumar, S. (2014). iPad-Didactics – Didactical Designs in iPad-classrooms, Experiences from Danish Schools and a Swedish University. In C. Miller & A. Doering (Eds.) C. Miller & A. Doering. The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World. (pp. 242-257). NY: Routledge.

Kumar, S. & Johnson, M. (2014). Research and Dissertations: Challenges overcome by online doctoral students. In P. Lowenthal, C. York & J. Richardson (Eds.) Online Learning: Common misconceptions, benefits, and challenges (pp. 115-124). Nova Science Publishers.

Kumar, S. & Ochoa, M. N. (2014). Preparing Online Doctoral Students for Successful Research. In K. Calkins & C. Kvenild (Eds.) The Embedded Librarian’s Cookbook: Recipes for making long-term connectionsACRL.

Kumar, S., Heathcock, K., Ochoa, M. N. (2014). Sustainable embedded librarianship to foster research skills in an online graduate program. In E. Leonard and E. McCaffrey (Eds.) Virtually Embedded: The Librarian in an Online Environment. ACRL.

Kumar, S. & Heathcock, K. (2013). Information Literacy Support for Online Students in Higher Education. In S. Mukerji & P. Tripathi (Eds.)Handbook of Research on Transnational Higher Education. pp. 624-640. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Kumar, S., Kenney, J., & Buraphadeja, V. (2012). Peer Feedback for enhancing students’ project development in Online Learning. H. H. Yang & S. Wang (Eds.) Cases on Online Learning Communities and Beyond: Investigations and Applications. pp. 345-360. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Kumar, S. & Ochoa, M. (2012). Student-Centered Library Instruction: An Assessment of Online Graduate Students’ Information Literacy Skills and Needs. In Bastiaens, T. J. & Marks, G. H. (Eds.). 2012. Education and Information Technology 2012: A Selection of AACE Award Papers. Pp. 221-228. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Kumar, S. (2011). Technology in Education. In L. Ciccomascolo & E. Sullivan (Eds.) The Dimensions of Physical Education: An Introduction to the Discipline.pp. 222-228. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Kumar, S. & Black, E.W. (2011). Online Education and Virtual Schooling. In L. Ciccomascolo & E. Sullivan (Eds.) The Dimensions of Physical Education: An Introduction to the Discipline.pp. 243-250. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Kumar, S. & Kaufman, D. (2011). Overview of Current Technologies in Education. In L. Ciccomascolo & E. Sullivan (Eds.) The Dimensions of Physical Education: An Introduction to the Discipline. pp. 251-260. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Kumar, S. (2011). Wie die Lehre online geht: Ein Praxismodell zur Kompetenzentwicklung von Lehrenden im Hochschulbereich. In I. Jahnke, & J. Wildt (Eds.). Fachbezogene und fachübergreifende Hochschuldidaktik. Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik Band 121. pp. 47-54. Bielefeld, Germany: W. Bertelsmann Verlag.

Kumar, S. (2010). Faculty Reflections on Decision-making and Pedagogical Use of Online Activities in Teacher Education Courses. In  J. Yamamoto, J. C. Kush, R. Lombard, & J. Herzog (Eds.). Technology Implementation and Teacher Education: Reflective Models. pp. 44-59. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Cavanaugh, T., Cavanaugh, C., & Kumar, S. (2009). Class Map for Community in Online Education Course. In C. Maddux (Ed.) Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2009. SITE.

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